The Table by

The Table, a series of 13 pop-up restaurant experiences

Our inaugural project involved a unique pop-up restaurant concept that operated akin to a theater. Each month, we transformed the Urso hotel into an authentic yet fleeting version of an exceptional Spanish restaurant.

The Table oversaw the launch of 13 distinct restaurants, each with its own F&B, suppliers, interior design, branding, and communication strategies carefully tailored to capture the essence of the featured main restaurant. The project was executed with Miguel Bonet serving as the Project Manager and Alejandra Ansón as the F&B consultant responsible for curating the selection of invited restaurants

The must for Ansón+Bonet was the madness and fun of opening 13 restaurants in two years.

  • Location

    Hotel Urso, entrada por calle Beneficiencia 15, Madrid

  • Category

    Pop up restaurant

  • Services

    Commissariat | Operational

  • Partners

    Marugal Group + Better pop ups

  • Opening

    September 2014 – June 2016

Let's talk

Do you want to start a restaurant?
Do you want to expand your business?
Could F&B be an asset for your business but you don’t know how?
Write to us or visit us at our offices in Madrid or Barcelona.